Activating Meeting Spaces

Now that you have setup your facilities, it is important to ensure that your Spaces are Activated according to your subscription. When you subscribe to UCC, your subscription contains a quota of activations.  There is a one-to-one relationship of activations to Spaces (or Meeting Rooms).

Why Activate?

When your Space is activated, it will enable the connection between your Portal and your devices (PCs) in your meeting rooms.  This allows meeting room devices to report status and telemetry to your portal as well as the Portal can now communicate with your device in order to push settings and other UC Central features.

If a Space is not activated only the status of your device(s) in a meeting room will be reported, but all other features of UC Central will not be enabled for that space.

Activate Space

To activate your space, expand the Meeting Spaces option in the main left navigation and select "Activations"  (A)  

For each space you would like to activate, select the active subscription from the Available Subscriptions dropdown beside the space  (B) .

Once you have assigned an available subscription for each space you want to activate, save your changes by clicking the (now enabled) "Save Changes" button  (C) 

You can add activations or subscriptions using UCW's Subscriptions site and the "Manage Subscriptions" button   (D)  will take you directly to that site.

As well, if you would like to view the spaces that are activated by your subscriptions, or change which spaces are using the activations, please click the expander button  (E)  to view the details.