How does UCC update Quicklaunch settings?

UCC has two ways to update settings:

1. Update an individual Quicklaunch installation

2. Use a template to update many Quicklaunch installations

How to change settings on one Quicklaunch installation?

You can change specific Quicklaunch settings on a single machine or apply a template to a single machine.

  1. Go to Software -> Quicklaunch -> Installations -> Click on the selected Device
  2. If desired, select a previously created template
  3. Update the individual settings
  4. Click publish now

How to create a template?

Templates are created from a selected Quicklaunch installation.

  1. You will have to set up at least one Quicklaunch installation with all your settings for your template
  2. This computer should then be connected to UC Central
  3. Go to Software -> Quicklaunch -> Templates -> Create Template
  4. Then you will be prompted for a Template name, and select one of the Quicklaunch installations

How to deploy a template to many Quicklaunch installations?

A template can be deployed to one or many Quicklaunch installations.

  1. go to Software -> Quicklaunch -> Templates
  2. Select a template to deploy, click on Details
  3. Under Actions, click on deploy
  4. Select the Quicklaunch installations to deploy to
  5. Set a scheduled time to perform the deploy
  6. Click on Deploy Template

What settings are not applied when deploying a template to many installations?

The following items are unique to each Quicklaunch installation and are not applied when bulk applying templates to Quicklaunch installations:

- license key & feature keys

- room name

- exchange/graph settings

- skype settings

- domain names

- zoom account